This week, as I was trying to distract myself during a run I wasn't into, I started thinking about when I first started this streak and realized it had been 6 months. There aren't many habits, hobbies, etc. that I have stuck to for 6 months straight in my life except the obvious like eating, brushing my teeth, etc. I think the closest thing would be horseback riding, but I took the summer off, and I am not sure it was really a full 6 months. And, I certainly didn't do it 7 days a week ever let alone for weeks and months on end.
Some of the inquiries I am in...
When Will I Stop?
I don't know...I liked the idea of doing 100 days, but on Day 99, there were a bunch of people starting streaks (Labor Day to whenever), so I decided to stay on until Columbus Day just to get them going.
But, on Columbus Day I decided I would go up until about the time of my race (November 17th), but I had no commitment.
My eye was on the prize: hitting my best half marathon time on 11/17 (which I did). I decided 11/17 would be a PERFECT day to stop. It was a nice round number of days, 175, and it was the day of my race. My raceplan was to run-walk, but I checked out the elevation map and decided if I DID run a mile, I would do from 5-6. Well, I got to 5, and I felt amazing. The race was going so well, I couldn't see skipping the run. It really helped that I ran into Alison D, Coach Jim P and Pamela H. all during that mile. I was, I will admit, thrilled to walk when we hit the mile 6 marker.
The day after the race, the question was: stop or keep going. The biggest argument I could come up with for stopping was that 175 was a round number, and if I didn't stop then, when would I ever stop? So, I said this, "If I am the least bit sore on Monday, after the race, which I better be given how hard I plan to push, I won't run. I will be done and happy."
Well, I truly gave my race everything I had and covered an additional 5-7 miles that day on foot, but I awakened Monday feeling great...I debated long enough about stopping that the REAL runstreak, the Runner'sWorld holiday run streak was starting. I decided to do that. I will go to New Year's Eve and take it from there.
Is it fun?
Well, this sounds so shallow, but the thing that makes it fun is all of you. The attention I get from neighbors, strangers and all of the people in my life makes it fun. The actual runs, I imagine, are like any runner's runs...there are some that are amazing and some that drag and kind of suck. I am always glad I did it, but during it, and definitely before doing it, I am not always feeling it.
Is it safe?
Um, I am always torn in how to answer this. I think it is safe because of the way in which I approach it. I didn't even look at my times right after the half. I take it slow the day after a long run, when I should be recovering, I push other days, I make it an interval workout others. I am very tapped into my body and its aches and pains and when something isn't feeling 100%, I reel it way in. This weekend, I was running with someone who said she didn't know how to pull back. She is E3 or E4 on every run interval. This is not my issue. I am often E2. I am not doing this to get hurt.
Oh, wait! By safe, you meant that I run late at night? I hope so. I run on a street that seems to have a good flow of traffic and people, so I never feel alone and scared. I feel safe. If I didn't, I wouldn't run. My safety and well being isn't worth a streak.
Do I think it helps?
I am not sure how people mean this, but I think the biggest way it helps me, is that I have felt like a wannabe runner for years, and I now feel like a runner that chooses to run-walk a lot (Maybe I will do an entry on that sometime). It helps alleviate my tension and emotions, and it helps me stay focused. I also think I sleep better.
There is no doubt it helps with fitness. I worked hard for this last half marathon, but I probably did less miles overall than I have in the past, and I felt by far the best. I felt good race day, and I recovered faster than ever have before.
With Speed?
For sure. I am now averaging about a min faster per daily mile than I was 6 months ago. I have PRed in my 5K, 5 mile and half marathon times by over a minute a mile.
Why don't I count walk-run? Why don't I count walk?
I can answer both of these at the same time. When I first hurt my foot, I was doing a ton of run - walk. Then, when I got hurt, and I gained a lot of weight, even walking was draining.
As I started to get back in shape, I was mostly walking and mostly walking slowly until one April day when I was alone during a GTS. There was no one else around, and I ran about 10 minutes and felt good. I stopped because I didn't want to push it and get injured. Later that week, I ran a mile on a treadmill. It was a big deal to me. I felt like I had reclaimed my health.
When the streak started, I knew, even though it wasn't easy for me, I COULD do a mile and doing one running every day would be a big deal. Walking wouldn't be a big deal for me. Walk-Run also wouldn't be a big deal. Running would. So, FOR ME, the challenge was about doing the run. I don't care what other people do. That is their thing, and if they are empowered, awesome!! Don't get me wrong. I think there were 2 days of walk-run I did count (and I am pretty justified about them, lol), but this is really about running.
I am 6 months in and have, maybe, only 1 to go.
Let me know if you are streaking, if you want to join a streak or if you have more questions. I like comments and questions.
Love it! Particularly your question/answer style. It made me think more about my own running, not that I have your consistency, of course. But I love how this has stepped up your game! Good work luv!
ReplyDeleteHey Alison, I think this is great! I've seen your daily posts on Feb and I've often wondered about it. I too struggle with sticking with stuff especially when it comes to getting good off my a**! I appreciate your commitment and honesty! Maybe you can give me some pointers on how to get started? Great job o. The streak and your write up! Thank you for inspiring!